Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How To Masterbate For Women Is It Alright For A Pregnant Women To Masterbate?

Is it alright for a pregnant women to masterbate? - how to masterbate for women

my husband is leaving for Afghanistan in a week I went to "cope" with things from me, which is good for me or harm my baby?


vic_kitt... said...

Have at it!

God Bless!

tcoJCoLDS member said...

completely in order. If you can not reach, and will not harm the baby

brikble said...

You can have sex with her husband during pregnancy, it is not the baby, who does it for you, so why should it harm the baby you do it yourself ???????

buddy's pal said...

Probably not a big problem. Forward.

Felani Perez said...

YES! You can masturbate during pregnancy. I have all the time ... Hehe :-)

More Than You Know said...

It is absolutely fine. I control the use of toys, but. You do not want to be infected by bacteria that harm your baby. =]

God bless you, baby, and her husband. =] I, I hope you return safely.

More Than You Know said...

It is absolutely fine. I control the use of toys, but. You do not want to be infected by bacteria that harm your baby. =]

God bless you, baby, and her husband. =] I, I hope you return safely.

Ca said...

You go out, girl! To make sure that when you toys or whatever they are clean.

lissaacj said...

Even if your doctor has no gender Limited / to have an orgasm, no problem. Of course it should go. I heard some restrictions in case of premature birth and cervical incompetence, but if the doctor does not mention complications for you, I'm sure you can do what you want.

funmansk said...


sirajrj said...

If you do not cause pain or cramping from if you do what you do for yourself must be taken to its order.

♥Riyen's Mom & Ayah due 4.20 said...

Yes, if you long enough that the work can encourage and support.

Kitterka... said...

In general, unless the doctor says something is true

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