Thursday, January 14, 2010

Severe Bloating Is There Anything That Can Be Taken For Severe Bloating During Pregnancy?

Is there anything that can be taken for severe bloating during pregnancy? - severe bloating

I mean seriously ... I can not remember. I think I'm only 5 weeks, and she does a lot. I was not with my first pregnancy, as I remember! (I think I remember this kind of sick)
Thank you in advance.


princess peach said...

Have you discussed with your gynecologist may be HSP (hypotension caused by the pregnancy) receive all or swollen blood vessels is limited, and before you know it ... preeclampisia can be.
The user is not the problem, to the third quarter of my flash.

Control their salt intake and I know it's boring - but water - pleant water. Your body is a new person. Theres a very good chemical and hormonal swing.

MD or call CNM
Good luck with swollen legs.

princess peach said...

Have you discussed with your gynecologist may be HSP (hypotension caused by the pregnancy) receive all or swollen blood vessels is limited, and before you know it ... preeclampisia can be.
The user is not the problem, to the third quarter of my flash.

Control their salt intake and I know it's boring - but water - pleant water. Your body is a new person. Theres a very good chemical and hormonal swing.

MD or call CNM
Good luck with swollen legs.

princess peach said...

Have you discussed with your gynecologist may be HSP (hypotension caused by the pregnancy) receive all or swollen blood vessels is limited, and before you know it ... preeclampisia can be.
The user is not the problem, to the third quarter of my flash.

Control their salt intake and I know it's boring - but water - pleant water. Your body is a new person. Theres a very good chemical and hormonal swing.

MD or call CNM
Good luck with swollen legs.

Mommyhood is good said...

Because you are in pain, can be trapped gas? I had terrible first quarter. I Phazyme (simethicone, such as gas)-drops for infants or) multiple symptoms Maalox (the gas and bloating, and heartburn.

Hope you feel better soon and congratulations on # 2!

Mrs. Z plus 3 said...

Awww .... = (Try drinking more water and cut the sodium. (Pop, among others.) Very high in sodium, which should help a bit. They could complement a fiber, as well. Is it that things blow.

I knew you prega! Congratulations!

Jacob's Mommy said...

I have the same problem! I am almost 8 weeks and I'm so freakin 'swollen! We hope, with 4 or 5 months ..... seriously! I hate it and its sooooooo embarrassing when I people I say, only 7 and 1 / 2 weeks. Blimey!

harmonyj... said...

No i dont think so ... .. But the swelling is very common and usually last
Good Luck

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