Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Women Driving Topless Pictures Do You Think Women Should Have The Right To Go Topless Like Men Do?

Do you think women should have the right to go topless like men do? - women driving topless pictures

When I was in Missouri, I went into my garden with my friend. She wore a bathing suit and I wore a bikini pants. Soon, a policeman came and told me I had to cover. I asked him why he cover me if my friend does not need. The police told me, because I am a woman, I need to cover. I told the police that he was sexist and that women have the same rights as men. After a few minutes, saw the police in my view and I knocked out what was good for me.

If it's 100 degrees outside, do you think women should be allowed to go topless as men will have this right? But it must be sexy or an exhibitionist. There is equality.


nimblemi... said...

Of course! In fact, I believe that calling down from thousands of topless women on the White House has that right. Even if nothing is done would be the laugh of the century will see the news channels to try to close the gap, without being in conflict with the FCC for reporting. And we assume they were arrested? Most police officers have a blanket in the trunk of her car, but ... they would be killed, to say the least. * LOL *

Opalita said...

Yes, absolutely, Europe and elsewhere, many people believe anything. If the United States is a free country, why nobody has the right, for us, not that you say?

maria c said...

You can do whatever you want, but let me know first, so that my children not play outside if you choose so big and strong. Growing up, we did not thank the same thing - God. There are differences between men and women from birth and I enjoy the differences. You are a woman - has no right to an exhibitionist in an environment where our present social norms disadvantages. The struggle for a better fight for the women. Not one.

ruemorgu... said...

Sorry, but your reasoning is very ignorant. Women and men are not the same. We have the same rights, and it's just a fact of life. First, the chest of a man is not a private party, are women's breasts. Just think, what if the ladies who go topless on the street, no, not you, wanted to see how many children the groping? Since you will be topless is not lawful for a private party, and when it is touched, he can not do anything about it. Who the hell said anything about equal rights? They know that women have more rights than men? A woman may seek a decision on any point night, can not a man! Without a marriage contract as a woman receives half of the Dingemans? Where is the equality of rights, is not it? Frankly, women have nothing to cry when it comes to human rights. I would not be sorry to see, pretty girls go topless, but it is not just for me. The "ugly" or heavier girls feel bad about their image and are also weaker people. Again,Is a safe Mans is not a private matter, I take it for some people difficult to understand. Also think of this scenario, what happens if the children want to go take pictures at the top, no women in the public? You are welcome to do so as long as the device is not hidden, you assert that they have taken a picture of something on your page. Or ask a close friend taking the picture, and it would be something I could do for him.

Shardae said...

Honestly, YES! We need to be in a position. Only a woman's breasts are different, because breasts are larger in males. In more than one policy can not come from you, to your friends and tell them that you should come first. If you have the property that the only one who can say that you owe. Anyway, I'm a little hippy. I do not think people go naked in public.

rock_gui... said...

Yes, I agree women should have the right to do topless if they so wish. It's just soo sexist. I do not know if it's true that women in Canada has the right, but encouraged so little, because it no laughing matter to be shy. If a woman is not better than others do not feel afraid? Because if you think a breast is just a body part. Why assume soo sexy? I think society sets the standards ...
Point: proven 100 years ago, I think the ankle was not as sexy breasts. And if there is no law against topless in your area, you can try by changing to a request! Consider it as free ...

Ananke40... said...

In many places, women have this right. Tho you are in Missouri (I like to call "misery"), a red-state hold an interest in serious Christian legislators. want the rules changed? Change the men in power. Good luck.

Hound87 said...

Yes, I think women should have the right to equal treatment. You should also know that New York has the same rights to go topless for women, but it is not known. If you are not used as a business.

tiffani7... said...

While others such as neighbors or passerby could not do to see the exhibition and has been in the private garden and then what you want! But if there othr see on respect for oneself and others. Maybe you can not find anything wrong, but many others. As children and a topless woman? Want to go topless, id recommend a nudist beach. That is correct? You can for Adam n Eve of that debt, he did not eat the forbidden fruit, and is not ashamed of their nakedness, then filled in? This is not a company that is in the public or even partially naked is naked. Perhaps it is not about being sexy or something, but in these times, seems to present nudity sexuality. And if it is 100 degrees next to a refrigerator or a pool or go swimming in a lake, or maybe a cold shower. They could cool it was havin without exposure to the public. After all, we have tried our feling about it and maybe we do not want to see topless women equilvant about being human. And IdYou nec want my children, that garbage is exposed. Sorry, but this is how I feel. Respect for others, if you want to be respected.

Miss Understood said...

Maybe if you live in Europe, where people are more mature about these things. It would be nice if everyone could be. But, well, no, that can not be topless (unless it is in your house, you can walk around butt naked when you walk. Conceals what is done behind closed doors is their business), but unfortunately I see nothing wrong in circulation a bikini or a tube top or something. While you are "Thelma and Louise: P), fully covered, there should be no problem. But if anyone still calls him a name or deragotory bust of you or something, then I think it is sexist, because even if I can understand women do not show her breasts as men can, it's pretty stupid that they can not show her stomach. Try to find a compromise so that you don 'have not "indecent", but no combustion, no.

Miss Understood said...

Maybe if you live in Europe, where people are more mature about these things. It would be nice if everyone could be. But, well, no, that can not be topless (unless it is in your house, you can walk around butt naked when you walk. Conceals what is done behind closed doors is their business), but unfortunately I see nothing wrong in circulation a bikini or a tube top or something. While you are "Thelma and Louise: P), fully covered, there should be no problem. But if anyone still calls him a name or deragotory bust of you or something, then I think it is sexist, because even if I can understand women do not show her breasts as men can, it's pretty stupid that they can not show her stomach. Try to find a compromise so that you don 'have not "indecent", but no combustion, no.

bjsmama said...

Equality is one thing. What about modesty? I am sure that in a bikini, you can not do so much hotter.

fadded said...

Take off your shirt as I fully ... Map (.) (.)

fadded said...

Take off your shirt as I fully ... Map (.) (.)

fadded said...

Take off your shirt as I fully ... Map (.) (.)

fadded said...

Take off your shirt as I fully ... Map (.) (.)

cannon_p... said...

Yes, it should be allowed. if not, then it is pretty sexist against women. (I can not for the right to take action to wait).

lilacmom... said...

I thought I could do whatever he wants on his property, but perhaps not? ?

Of course women should be able to go topless. I love that (some) men like to buy pornography, but if they see a woman breastfeeding her baby Freak Out. . . Breasts, ornamental, and should not be on "Stocks" have with babies.

What do we say that the United States remains deeply sexist. You need to choose whether your battles. .. (Topless? Reproductive rights? "Equal pay?) If you are younger you may not know that there is still no right for a change of gender equality in our country. In the 80 principles of the conservative right who voted against him and said, means "equal rights that you have a bathroom, men and women shared in common." Crazy, what do you remember? Women's rights, civil charges, equal rights ... It's a constant struggle. Register, see the issues, vote and tell your friends! Take care and keep cool:)

Uncle John said...

I believe that members should be women and, yes

brp_13 said...

They must not only have the right, but if you look carefully, there should be a law which it needs. (To catch up)

johnman1... said...

You can top without you at any time as

S0C1AL1S... said...

The only society that women who are in agricultural societies are topless in the public sector indigenous in the third world countries, especially in Africa. These companies can not tolerate as a topless woman, because similar in these societies, women have the numbers of maternal and strict breast milk for babies, but the "civilized" countries have an obsession with breasts, as breast and non-presentation after a small child, and then developed into an obsession in the minds of many members of the "civilized" countries, leading to the flourishing porn industry, breast implants, numerous injuries and a lot if people to use the women and then in lurch if they become pregnant.

I think it would be almost impossible for the psychology of people in the "corporate" civilized no-women-top monitor in reverse public and not only sexually aroused by the sight of a breast, and consider them as part of the body of a woman delivering the milk for the baby. Maybe it's part of human nature preserve instinctively drawn to women with largeChest so that her children a mother to ensure a sufficient supply of milk in order to grow a healthy baby.

older woman said...

We are in Ontario, Canada.

Brian Da Dog said...

This is not sexism. A mans bare chest is not a sex symbol, as a woman in the chest. Unfortunately, it is the way it is. So come to meet girls. But the really sad fact, some women have nothing to do topless. Some women need to be implemented more clothes as possible. Some men also.

answerer... said...

I think .....

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