Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Recovery Time From Dog Bladder Surgery If Your Dog Has Had Surgery To Remove Bladder Stones, How Much Did It Cost You? How Was The Recovery?

If your dog has had surgery to remove bladder stones, how much did it cost you? How was the recovery? - recovery time from dog bladder surgery

I spent a year and half cocker spaniel was diagnosed with bladder stones. I know it well, depending on geography, but how to perform the operation? Also, how old is your dog, if it the operation? Has anyone had recurring calculations? Thank you very much!


Save a Life. Spay or Neuter! said...

In the clinic I work in various fields of surgery from $ 1500 - $ 1900. Most of our patients to keep a healthy diet does not have a problem with recurrent stones, but it all depends dog.We had a dog at our clinic, which has been used in several operations. Hills S / D food can be used to dissolve struvite crystals and stones, but not use them if the dog has calcium oxalate.

Marcjc said...

My pug 10 years old woman operated on 15th May in order to remove multiple stones - a big one. The surgery was performed on an emergency basis as the large stone blocking the urethra is carried out and could not empty his bladder! Surgery, in addition to the first visit in the emergency and diagnostics was $ 2800.00. I live in upstate New York. She made a great recovery.

Good luck to you!

bob © said...

Have you tried special food to try to dissolve the stones? Bubble cut can run over $ 2000.00 and rocks back May, when the food is not managed properly. Your dog is very young to have stones, but can occur at any age. During the operation, is the only way to do this because your dog can be blocked and recurrent urinary tract infections.

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