Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pancreas More Condition_symptoms What Body Part Is More Well Known . . . The Gooch Or The Pancreas? And Do People Even Know What The Gooch Is?

What body part is more well known . . . the gooch or the pancreas? and do people even know what the gooch is? - pancreas more condition_symptoms

Me and my boyfriend know battle for the body part that the people anymore. . . Gooch or pancreas


jojodeej... said...


Telf said...

I assume the pancreas, because I had to consider ...

and said he never learned to read something useful answers! lol.

Necropol... said...

What the hell is Gooch?

... said...


Bielzabo... said...

lol I know if my favorite part is the Gooch, but after the movie Jackass. i dont think u can electrify a pancreatic ... in any case not easy to

Bielzabo... said...

lol I know if my favorite part is the Gooch, but after the movie Jackass. i dont think u can electrify a pancreatic ... in any case not easy to

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