Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ed Hardy Flip Flops What Does Ed Hardy Resemble When Your Wearing It? And What Other Clothing Companies Symbolize A 'fresh' Kid?

What does Ed Hardy resemble when your wearing it? And what other clothing companies symbolize a 'fresh' kid? - ed hardy flip flops

When I was young (am a senior in high school), American Eagle, Hollister, companies, etc., that the fashion of the time. Today, companies such as Ed Hardy, and the man who has done and all that ****. Are they really cool expensive? People accept that what is more? people go, that the parties in the rich part of town where I do not (live in the region to live, but broke his class still) remain high and there because this type of Hollister! strange!

I Hollister, American Eagle and I think I'm at my best there jerseys and stuff.

I like companies such as Ed Hardy, but there is no loop, and equipment.

Now I want to buy clothes, but not to them as dragons and so or whatever, I'm not sure if it will look good on the sole fact that in the making since the difference (posatively)? and wear shirts that look better on a t-shirt (polo, etc.) and no jeans, sandals and slippers Nike vs. bracelts or another?

and gives other companies and Loop fashon ed hardy tHat is not so crazy, with prices and models?

thank you and please help


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